Search Results
Your search for "tia 942 rated" returned 10 results:
Seed Update - SY Cheer
wheat variety "SY Cheer" is confirmed as a full UKFM Group 1 variety, upgrading its provisional rating
Exclusive Rates We supply over
Livestock Farmers
other farming co-operatives, we negotiate competitive unit rates for our members
Mixed Farmers
other farming co-operatives, we can negotiate competitive unit rates for our members
Pool Marketing Schemes 2025/2026
for contract farming agreements First rate execution and administration Members can commit
Professional Services
, redundancy, sick pay, and more Help with recruitment, including salaries, hourly rates, and minimum wage
GDPR & Privacy Policy
1231113 (local rate)01625 545745 (national rate)
Crop Marketing
with a choice of payment dates, access to advance payments at favourable rates, credit insurance on
Suffolk Farming Conference Success
Suffolk and beyond to benefit farmers across the country. The conference was highly rated by
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