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Your search for "live chickens for sale near me" returned 20 results:

Suffolk Agricultural Apprentice of the Year Awards

people. The winner - Olly – who works for the Spearhead Group and Deben Farms near Shottisham – had

Farming Cooperative Fram Farmers celebrates 60 years

customers to take cost out of the supply chain through innovative solutions. For me, this is key to

Robotti: the UK’s first commercially available robotic tractor in operation on Suffolk farm

of sourcing seasonal labour, has led to a significant investment for Fram Farmers member Home Farm

About Us

to relish. Knowing that they are working for me trying to get the best deal without making a

Meet Our Team of Experts

department in 2012 after spending 12 years working for an agricultural research, marketing and sales company

Recruitment Policy

driving licence for a number of purposes. These include: To perform requisition and applicant management

Crop Marketing

to forward contracts by: Locking in premiums for sales effectively. Offering attractive terms and

Fram Farmers Launches Unique Finance Service for Members

Controller at Fram Farmers said, “Securing access to finance is a major issue for many businesses and is

Suffolk Farming Conference Success

without impacting on yield and productivity.Joe Hilton, Sales Manager for JCB, presented “Alternative

Anti-Slavery Policy

Modern slavery statement for financial year 2022 / 23This


Marketing, Sales, Pools, Grain Sampling, Market Intelligence and Expert Advice

What Makes Us Different

marketing function includes running highly successful grain pools with the option for advance payments and

What’s Next For Farming?

, following a lengthy career in the pig sector. Here, Andrew outlines his views on what’s to come for rural

Spring NextGen Event

scanned live for Intermuscular Fat (IMF) which is also known as marbling in the meat. The higher the IMF

What We Do

Marketing, Sales, Pools, Grain Sampling, Market Intelligence and Expert Advice

The 2024 Farming Conference

February to Trinity Park Events Centre near Ipswich with the theme of ’How to Thrive, Not Just Survive

New Board Members

, including agronomy, sales, marketing, and product management. He moved back to the UK in 2017 to take

Meet the Board of Directors

diversification into crimped grain maize as a contracting service and for direct sale to dairy and beef

Terms and Conditions

  For full details of our Membership Terms please click here. For full details of our Rural

Essex Agronomy Walk

and NRoSO points will be available!Join us for the Essex Agronomy Group Farm Walk, an opportunity to

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