Search Results

Your search for "how many passport photos fit on a 6x4" returned 20 results:

Robotti: the UK’s first commercially available robotic tractor in operation on Suffolk farm

.“A large amount of our produce is organic, so we are increasingly limited in how we can control weeds

Suffolk Agricultural Apprentice of the Year Awards

Competition to shine a light on future farming talent in Suffolk celebrates fifth

Recruitment Policy

, records of qualifications, skills and training and some form of photographic I.D such as passport or

Professional Services

relevant to them, and can carry out applications on behalf of members.Whilst we are currently in a

Building Materials

a 'one stop shop' for our members. Our team will provide a number of quotes for your building

Essex Breakfast Briefing: Key Takeaways

Breakfast Briefing. It was fantastic to see so many familiar faces, as well as a number of new ones, joining

Valentines Day at Waveney

new ones joining us from both sides of the river, all coming together for a catch-up and a hearty meal

What’s Next For Farming?

, following a lengthy career in the pig sector. Here, Andrew outlines his views on what’s to come for rural

Fram Farmers Launches Unique Finance Service for Members

Controller at Fram Farmers said, “Securing access to finance is a major issue for many businesses and is

What We Deliver

of mind that exclusive prices are being negotiated on your behalf on a full range of products and

Why Join Us?

of mind that exclusive prices are being negotiated on your behalf on a full range of products and

Fram Farmers

We're delighted to be holding a Regenerative Agriculture Meeting on Friday 28th April

Meet the Board of Directors

2021.Now semi-retired, Michael sits on the board of AIC in a Welsh Policy Manager role, and Albert

How Membership Fees Work

To find out exactly how much a Fram Farmers membership could save you, start by sending us a

Essex Agronomy Walk

cover:Crop Establishment & Growth Progress – A look at how different varieties are performing.Crop

Who We Support

outputs.Explore how we can support you

Suffolk Farming Conference Success

features for fellow farmers to look out for when considering joining such a scheme as well as how these

Jess Frost: SQP of The Year!

working with farmers to advise them on animal welfare.Judges were looking for examples of how SQPs promote

Anti-Slavery Policy

on all suppliers before allowing them to become a preferred supplier.  Our anti-slavery policy

GDPR & Privacy Policy

Recruitment Privacy Notice on our Careers Page How We Use Your Personal Data (Legal Basis for Processing)Fram

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