Everything you need for your Arable business

Our seed specialists source a huge variety of certified seeds, purchased from trusted national and local suppliers. From wheat, sugar beet, maize and linseed to forage crops, stewardship, grass, trees and hedging.

Our industry experts make the decision process easier by forward planning fertiliser requirements, offering pools as a risk management tool and advising on the best time to buy. Delayed or split payment terms are negotiated to help manage cash flow.

Crop Protection
The strong relationships we hold with key manufacturers and suppliers allow us to purchase an extensive choice of crop protection products on behalf of our membership. Forward planning and technical updates, alongside independent agronomists’ advice, helps keep us ahead of the market.
Other services for your business

We operate fleet partnership arrangements with various leading agricultural machinery manufacturers, including Amazone and Spearhead Machinery! Plus we are partnered with nearly all vehicle manufacturers!

The fuel team can purchase and arrange delivery for any required quantity, whether it’s 500 or 35,000 litres, and with our network of national and regional suppliers we can offer the best available price and coverage.

Grain Marketing
Our grain team provides a comprehensive marketing service for members’ cereals, OSR and pulses. Our ADM partnership gives us an inside track on global trends, world stocks, yields, tonnages traded and market requirements.